Hampshire Fungus Recording Group

Documenting the Fungi of Hampshire

New Identikit Key

Eric Janke has provided a new FSC Identikit key for European Mycena sensu lato More...

Next Field Event

Find further details of the next field event. More...


The HFRG is affiliated to the British Mycological Society and supports the aims of the Fungus Conservation Trust.


The HFRG is open to all who wish to share and develop an interest in the fascinating world of fungi. More...


HFRG Constitution

The HFRG constitution was modified at the AGM in 2019.

HFRG Foraying Code

The HFRG has drawn up a code of practice to minimise the environmental effect of our foraying activity.

Psilocybin Guidance

Fungi containing psilocin were classified as a Class A drug in 2005. Liz Holden has produced this guidance document after discussion with the Home Office.

AGM documents

2024: Agenda
2023: Agenda, Report, Mintues, Financial Report
2022: Agenda, Mintues
2021: Agenda, Report, Mintues
2020: Report